GDPR Services to Keep Your Business Secure and Compliant
GDPR Services

GDPR Services to Keep Your Business Secure and Compliant

Information has now become the key strategic resource in companies. But with this power comes responsibility for user data protection, and ensuring correspondence with the regulations set. To help with this, one such regulation that has emerged is the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). It is one of the toughest regulation standards in data protection governing the protection of personal data and aims at providing the users more control for utilization of their data.

In this blog, you will learn more about how GDPR Services can assist your business in maintaining security and keeping compliance in check for smooth implementation of GDPR Compliance Solutions.

Overview of GDPR

GDPR aims to return the sovereignty over personal data gathered about each person back to the person while at the same time placing numerous requirements on organisations that process this data.

The key principles of GDPR include:

  • Transparency and Lawfulness: Controllers are under legal obligation to achieve accurate, lawful, and transparent processing of individuals’ data.
  • Data Minimization: Personal data should only be collected that is relevant for the purposes of the business.
  • Data Security: Organizations are obliged to ensure personal data is secure in line with specifics of the business.
  • Accountability: The business entities must have the capacity to show that they are in conformity with GDPR standards.

What are the Core GDPR Services to Secure Your Business?

While GDPR compliance can at times be cumbersome, there are now various services that can help companies meet the rules for keeping data secure. Here are some of the GDPR services that keep an enterprise safe and in line with the GDPR legislation.

  1. GDPR Audits and Assessments

The initial process of GDPR compliance is the assessment of your current data compliance. GDPR audit services observe how your enterprise gathers, processes, stores and transfers private data. Such audits assist to see the lack of compliance and potential strategies on how the risks can be avoided.

Key components of GDPR audits include:

  • Identifying personal data across the organization.
  • Assessing current data protection practices.
  • Analyzing data processing activities to ensure they are lawful.
  • Evaluating data storage and transfer protocols.
  • Identifying third-party processors and assessing their GDPR compliance.

Performing annual or any frequency GDPR audit assists organizations in sustaining a high level of preparedness and guarantee the decrease of risks.

  1. Data Protection Officer (DPO) as a Service

According to GDPR, some companies have to designate the Data Protection Officer (DPO) to be responsible for the strategies related to data protection and their compliance. However, having a full-time Data Protection Officer can be costly and may not be economically efficient. However, DPO-as-a-Service allows businesses to hire consultation and have their personal data officer without employing additional staff.

Key responsibilities of a DPO include:

  • Supervision of the GDPR implementation within the organisation.
  • Carrying out data protection impact assessments (DPIAs).
  • Acting as a liaison to other authorities such as the government and organizations.
  • Addressing inquiries and requests related to data privacy.

DPO-as-a-Service ensures your business benefits from expert guidance without the need for a full-time internal resource.

  1. Data Mapping and Inventory Services

The GDPR includes a provision that organizations are to keep a proper record of all data processing activities. The data mapping products assist organisations in tracking all the personal data streams in a company, including where they are stored, processed or transferred.

These services typically involve:

  • Making a data inventory to record assets related to personal data.
  • Recognising data-sharing methods and third-party processors.
  • Charting the steps in the data lifetime, from acquisition to erasure.
  • Drawing attention to the dangers and weaknesses in the data processing procedure.

Proper data mapping enables organizations to be more held accountable and transparent and should be able to provide compelling responses to Statistics Authorities or Data Subjects.

  1. DSAR Management

Perhaps the most important of the data subject rights listed in the GDPR is the right to request access to data. These DSARs can be lengthy and cumbersome for organisations to manage especially when they do not have the right system in place.

GDPR services help businesses to:

  • Automate processes for DSAR processing
  • Assure prompt and accurate replies to requests for access to data
  • Confirm the asking party’s identity
  • Respect additional individual rights including portability, deletion, and rectification of data

Outsourcing the management of DSAR is another way through which businesses can meet all the set data subject rights without overworking the in-house teams.

  1. Data Breach Management and Reporting

Any loss of personal data is a threat to any organization and GDPR is specific on notification of the breach to the supervising authorities and the affected parties. GDPR services include data breach management which enables organizations to act fast in case of a breach.

Key aspects of these services include:

  • Surveil for new threats for an expected breach of data
  • Planning and coordination of response to an incident
  • Ensuring timely delivery of appropriate Data Protection Authority (DPA)
  • Offering post breach investigation services to ascertain the cause of compromise

GDPR aims at setting very stringent rules which require a business entity to report data breaches within a period of seventy two hours and hence call for efficient system management.

  1. GDPR Training and Awareness Programs

Several things must be understood by employees to be in compliance with GDPR. Most of the loss of data happens through a human factor, for instance, falling prey to a phishing attempt or handling sensitive information carelessly.

The GDPR training services provide tailored programs to educate employees on:

  • Individual rights and GDPR principles.
  • The best ways to handle personal information.
  • Detecting and preventing any security risks.
  • Actions to do in case of an incident or data breach.

Frequent training sessions guarantee that staff members understand their roles and are capable of serving as the first line of defence when it comes to protecting personal information.

What are the Advantages of GDPR Services to Your Business?

Implementing GDPR services does more than merely meet legal requirements. It provides multitude of advantages that can help to reinforce your business and its activities, including:

  1. Enhanced Data Security: Through conducting audits where necessary, data mapping, and breach management services, businesses can be better placed to safeguard personal data and reduce security breaches.
  2. Customer Trust: Being able to show commitment in the protection of data creates corporate reputation with customers and therefore a stronger bond with those customers thus gains a better association with the brand.
  3. Avoiding Fines: GDPR services keep your business in check to minimise possible fines and penalties through non-compliance resulting in loss of reputation and funds.
  4. Operational Efficiency: DSAR management and breach reporting automation also relieves the burden on too many internal resources, enabling your team to concentrate on your company’s mission.


It has become mandatory for any business whether big or small, which deals with personal data to pay attention to GDPR. With the GDPR in effect and new regulations being passed, it is important to have a preventative strategy and use the intended specialized services to protect your business.

From reviewing policies and employment contracts to providing organizations with a DPO, or simply assisting in the reporting and handling of breaches, these services are beneficial tools to assist businesses in GDPR compliance. You can connect with iSpectra to avoid severe penalties and cyber-attacks, and contribute to creating an environment. It will allow you sustainable business development in the context of digitalisation.